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MOSAIC was built in the early world of primal clays. It is a molar like congregation of misshapen buildings, organized in a ring shape that contains an even denser city. Chimera are it's primary occupants, Churches of Abaddon would label it as symptomatic spreading of the seas godlessness. One building became two, became three, expanded out into a sickly colony rising from the earth chimera first emerged from. Gasping for air under a blaring red sun, bringing corruption up with them. As the gods can't see below the earth, those damp catacombs are godless as the salt swell ringing the mainland continent.

~ Fountain
of the Harpies

Fountains notes 1
Icon source: Vintage Colima Dancing Dogs, png from Rubylane's 'Time Traveller Antiques' store. Rubylane / Pinterest Archive