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The Church of Abaddon's locus sits in the center of the continent, it's capitol nestled within the crook of Abaddon's limbs, a land locked lake of pure whitewater and one of the only bodies untouched by the sea. This natural formation supports their doctrine of belonging, serve as a barrier between their Godmade world and the rest. Auberon's exists as a rich thermal pool, ey are a Hearth and Heart to Merfolk & Centaur. Humans named themselves proxies of Abaddon, they wield eir image in many forms. I find it endearing, and while I've only encountered a limited idea of the variation within the Church, I'd say the texture and diversity within is as stunning as our own. It makes us nothing short of sisters.

- Endalla
with Kinship from MOSAIC

Endalla's notes 2
Icon source: Vintage Colima Dancing Dogs, png from Rubylane's 'Time Traveller Antiques' store. Rubylane / Pinterest Archive