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Auberon & Abaddon, paired space fairer kind, major gods who combined their minds to create the early world of Oursarchus, of course it was known as some else back then.
On etymology,
Oursarchus rests on the laurels of a larger linguistic tree, grown from a root word lost to scholars now. Each Major religion uses a corruption of this root word, studying them now allows us to work backwards as to its composite meaning. Oursarchus, the common name belonging to The Church of Abaddon is derived of "Organs" "To be seen" and "Pillaristic Leader". The "Our" here emphasizes Our flesh, our right to be seen, our leader and so on, characteristic of The Church of Abaddon's doctrine.
(Other corruptions across Oursarchus include Arganopsis, organsuent, sarsuchic and organopsis, ourganopsis)
Amidst Mosaic where my own religious studies have taken place, I've found many Chimera forgo this ancestor word, either adopting from their religion of belonging or naming it themselves as is common with micro culture and neo religion. Chimera are not "Seen" by these major religions, withholding my own thoughts on that topic for now, we see displaced Chimera developing neo religions disproportionately because we are not "claimed" by a God, our populations are too fractured to develop a wider culture, so on a tapestry of interpersonal micro culture and neo religions forms.
Many of us refer to our world as Guttings, maybe in reference to our emergence from the earth, we are the removed innards. Some wish to return down others wish to return up, as seen in Chimera denotations of Abaddon churches, like the Rose Church.
- Endalla
with Love from MOSAIC
Endalla's notes 1
Icon source: Vintage Colima Dancing Dogs, png from Rubylane's 'Time Traveller Antiques' store.
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